The Foundation’s geographic funding area is southwest Iowa and eastern Nebraska, with the primary focus area being Council Bluffs and Pottawattamie County.
A secondary area of focus includes counties that are contiguous to Pottawattamie County. Those counties in Iowa are: Cass, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery and Shelby; and, the Nebraska counties of Douglas, Sarpy and Washington. Other eligible Iowa counties are: Adams, Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Fremont, Monona, Page and Taylor; and Cass County, Nebraska.
Proposals may be submitted by organizations from counties not listed above, but the applications may only be for projects/activities undertaken in eligible counties. Please note that while counties that are contiguous to contiguous to Pottawattamie County receive some funding, those counties are not a primary focus area for the Foundation and, therefore, funding is limited.