Iowa West Foundation Awards $3 Million In Grants & Initiatives

Funding supports ASPIRE workforce education initiative and the fight against hunger in SWI

(Council Bluffs, IA) – The future of career-based education in Pottawattamie County is strong, with the Iowa West Foundation committing nearly $1 million to local school districts and education partners as part of its ASPIRE investments for the second year. The initiative allows urban and rural districts flexible funding to grow existing workforce training programs or launch new opportunities for their students that result in meaningful and financially stable career paths.  

“The benefits of ASPIRE are multi-faceted. Not only do students thrive when their education is meaningful to their future, but also the business community benefits when the workforce pipeline is prepared to enter in-demand jobs,” said Brenda Mainwaring, President and CEO of the Iowa West Foundation. “We want everyone to imagine a successful future for themselves, right here in Pottawattamie County.” 

“We are so grateful for the continued support for our Diploma Plus One initiative,” said Superintendent Dr. Vickie Murillo. “Through this partnership, our students are graduating with opportunities to achieve more and realize their college and career dreams.” 

In addition to the school districts, ASPIRE supports education partners including Iowa Western Community College, STARS, and Avenue Scholars of Southwest Iowa. Of the high schools in rural areas of Pottawattamie County who receive ASPIRE funding, two have elected to use the $25,000 in funding allotted toward a partnership with Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates or iJAG.  

“iJAG has afforded the Tri-Center students experiences they would not otherwise be able to have,” said Dr. Angie Huseman, Superintendent. “They have gotten to hear from professionals who visit the classroom as well as shadowing professionals in their places of business. Our kids have a much broader view of the world and all the possibilities that exist for them.” 

The Foundation also awarded a series of grants to non-profit organizations that fight hunger and food insecurity in southwest Iowa, which is at an all-time high according to Brian Barks, President and CEO of the Food Bank for the Heartland.  

“This grant will have a direct impact on families and individuals living in food deserts across Pottawattamie, Cass, Montgomery, and Shelby Counties in southwest Iowa,” he said, noting the consistent access to healthy foods through its Mobile Pantry Program. “This additional support will deliver hope and nutritious food to neighbors in southwest Iowa, helping them focus, live, and thrive.” 

Both the Food Bank for the Heartland and the Food Bank of Iowa received $30,000 grants. The Food Bank of Iowa’s funding will supply pantries in Adams, Audubon, Carroll, and Taylor counties and their school-based weekend backpack program. 

“Iowa West Foundation’s support is especially critical now, when the need for food assistance in our state has never been greater,” said Bergetta Beardsley, Vice President of Philanthropy for the Food Bank of Iowa. “This grant will provide more than 46,000 meals for southwest Iowans facing hunger. Neighbors served through Food Bank of Iowa’s Backpack Program, school pantries, local pantry partners and mobile distribution in the area will all benefit in the form of nutritious food and hope.” 

Lastly, Together Inc. received $200,000 to continue pantry operations in Council Bluffs. The organization will move into its new permanent location at the Iowa West Foundation Collaboration Center in September.

Partnerships with local casinos Ameristar, Harrah’s, and Horseshoe make it possible for the Foundation to continuously award outcome-focused grants in southwest Iowa communities. Fees from gaming and income from Foundation investments provide funding for programs and projects that benefit the residents of 14 counties in southwest Iowa.  

The Iowa West Foundation has a two-step grants process, with Letters of Inquiry (LOI) accepted year-round. LOIs received by Sept. 1 will be considered in the next cycle with final applications due by Sept. 15th. All applicants will need to create a Giving Data account to access the LOI and application unless they have already done so. A grant application workshop will be held on July 31st in Harlan.  

2024 Cycle 2 Grants and Initiatives 

AHSTW Community School District

Avenue Scholars of Southwest Iowa
Council Bluffs Community School District
Iowa Western Community College
Lewis Central Community School District
Riverside Community School District
STARS Scholarships
Treynor Community School District
Tri-Center Community School District

American Midwest Ballet
Operating funding

City of Carroll
Historic Band Shell in Graham Park

City of Council Bluffs
FIRST AVE mural program

City of Glenwood
Welcome sign

Family Crisis Centers, Inc. 
24/7 Iowa Victim Service Call Center in IWF funding area

Food Bank of the Heartland
Support for mobile pantries

Food Bank of Iowa
Support for school-based pantries, weekend backpack programs, and mobile pantries

Heartland Family Service
Capital funding for the therapeutic education center in Council Bluffs

Immigrant Legal Center
Legal services in SWI 

Iowa Western Community College Foundation
Support for the IWCC Arts Center’s 2024-2025 Season

Metro Revamp Collective
Risk mitigation for property owners who rent to tenants at risk of being unhoused

Micah House
Shelter and support services

National Alliance on Mental Illness -SWI
Peer-led mental health support, outreach, and services

Nature Conservancy of Iowa
Protect and provide public access to 472 acres of Loess Hills prairie habitat near Council Bluffs

Nebraska Diaper Bank
Diapers for children in need in Pottawattamie County

Kiewit Luminarium
Luminator internship program & STEM enrichment in SWI

Omaha Symphony Association
Music education programs in SWI

Opera Omaha
Iowa Community Engagement

Healthy relationships workshops in Council Bluffs schools

Silver City Ambulance Service
Cardiac Monitor Defibrillator 

Southwest Iowa Housing Trust Fund
Housing repair

The 712 Initiative
Operating funding

The Rose Theater
Field trips for 17 SWI schools, in-school programs at two Council Bluffs schools 

The Wellbeing Partners
WhatMakesUs campaign

Together Inc.
Council Bluffs Pantry operating expenses

Union Pacific Museum Association
Railroad Days 2024

University of Nebraska Foundation – Samuel Bak Museum
Field trips for Council Bluffs students

Women of Color
Iowa West Foundation initiative

Media Inquiries:

Nicole Lindquist
Director of Communications
w: 712-309-3004
c: 402-981-2289

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